# Tools and Their Objectives

The main tools used in the process are subdivided into categories, according to the objective of each one.

# Categories of Tools

  • Project Management and Version Control Tools:

Used throughout the development process, from defining requirements and versioning them for staging, to project versioning for secure and risk-free implementation.

Version control is applied to create stable releases for client delivery, while unvalidated development is restricted to test branches. This ensures there is always a stable, bug-free, and validated version in case an implemented feature breaks the code.

# Test and Defect Management Tools

  • Test Management: TestLink allows the creation of test cases and manages their execution, helping identify failed or successful tests. It also assists in assigning tests among team members and supervising the execution.

  • Defect Management: Enables describing the found flaw, assigning severity, work allocation among team members, development tracking, separation by status, inclusion of test evidence, etc.

# Test Automation Tools

Test automation tools are used for executing repetitive tests that do not require human intervention, such as interface tests, integration tests, performance tests, security tests, regression tests, etc. It is a broad concept, varying between programming languages and different methodologies for automating manual tests.

# Performance Testing

Some performance testing tools include:

  • JMeter: Allows the creation of test scripts and simulation of various users, monitoring response time, service errors, and providing multiple reports.

  • Gatling: Monitors the application continuously and alerts upon detecting errors and slowdowns.

  • LoadComplete: Combines both functions by allowing script creation and continuous performance monitoring.

  • BlazeMeter: Enables the creation of test scripts and user simulation from various servers worldwide.

# Supporting Tools

May or may not be used; they formalize the process, performing similar functions as management tools.